LaFlorya Gauthier, Literary Author
About LaFlorya
I have abeen a newspaper and magazine journalist and radio and television producer/announcer, and, I live in French Canada. I was born in Mound Bayou, Mississippi and have lived in North and West Africa, England,, continental Europe and the Middle and Far East.
My vocations are writing historical , mainstream, biographies, short stories and romance novels. My avocations are music, poetry, short story writing, fishing, playing the piano and painting. I have contributed to magazines, anthologies and newspapers in the United States and England.
I have attended universities in chicago, Senegal and Montreal.
I was the founding president of the first romance writer's association organised in Montreal: Writer's for Romance and Mainstream (WARM). And, am a member of Romance Writers of America, the Quebec Writer's Federation, La Comite Regional d'Education pour le Development International and La Comite de Recherche-Action fur les Relations Raciales.
I have beena volunteer in the Computer Centre of the Atwater Library in Montreal since 1983. I am the author of "Whispers in the Sand," published twice by Genesis Press, Inc., and Ballantine One World Press. "How to Outline and Organise Your Romance Novel," and "Charlotte's Tree," published by iUniverse Press, International, "Lise/Haliza," and "Aminata of Casamance," both published by PublishAmerica.
My multi-faceted career and interests, developed in some of the world's most fascinating countries, give me a broad range of experience on which to base my creative writing. My inspirations for writing have been the wonderful fascinating people I have met throughout my life and world travels. I have been president of the American Women's Club in Morocco; a freelance journalist for newspapers and magazines in London, England, as well wa writing articles for Affaire de Coeur magazine; broadcast/producer of an African Press Review for Radio Canada International in Montreal and broadcaster/producer for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation in Montreal and Toronto, Canada. I was in charge of the English language services for Radio Senegal in Dakar for ten years.
I have been a fashion model in Paris, Casablanca, Ottawa and Montreal. I have taught English as a second language at Royal Air Maroc in Casablanca and am fluent in English, French and Spanish and ca say a few words in seven other languages.
I have given readings from "Whispers in the Sand," at Concordia University and John Abbot College in Montreal. Given radio and television interviews at the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation locally and nationally. And was a guest on the Dini Petty Show out of Toronto - national television network show. I have given numerous newspaper interviews and gone on a book signing tour in the U. S. My life's goals are many and varied but among them are to continue writing my personal style of fiction and biographies.
I have been a voluntary tutor with the Chateauguay Valley Literacy Council. Taught Creative Writing in English and French here in Chateauguay and am the Writer in rEsidence at our municipal library in both of our official languages.